Purchasing a home may be the most significant investment you will ever make. Be an informed buyer with an easy to understand home inspection. We provide a concise yet thorough home inspection including photos to help you make an informed decision. All inspections include inspection of the site, structure, attic, roof, garage, accessible plumbing, accessible electric, heating/cooling, interior, kitchens, bathrooms, pool and spas are included as well.
We recommend termite inspections and have a list of providers we can refer you to or schedule at your request.
Schedule your seller inspection prior to listing your home for sale. What better way to show prospective buyers the worth of your home than by providing an inspection report up front. You and the prospective buyers will have peace of mind knowing the condition of the home during the real estate transaction making the process more efficient.
In addition to the Buyer's Inspection we recommend an inspection at frame up and a one year re-inspect to protect your investment: